Water of Life


Youth Confirmation Class

Tuesday Evenings at 6:30 PM  |  WOL Narthex


Confirmation is an important milestone in the faith journey of our young people.  It is not an end to their training in the faith, but rather a beginning of a new journey in faith as a young adult in the church and a public affirmation of their baptism and faith.  Water of Life offers a one-year Confirmation curriculum for youth in Grades 6-12.


The one-year course includes study of the Holy Bible and Luther's Small Catechism.  Confirmands also participate in church-wide events, take sermon notes to better understand the Christian message, and grow spiritually under the direction of Pastor Shawn Deterding and Sam Teichelman.  The current Confirmation class began on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 and is currently on summer break.  Class will resume in the fall on Tuesday evenings @ 6:30 PM.


Upon completion of the Confirmation curriculum, confirmands will undergo "Questioning of the Confirmands".  (The congregation is invited.)  Then the confirmands will publicly affirm their faith in Christ through the Rite of Confirmation on Reformation Sunday, October 27, 2024, during worship.


Contact the church office for more information.