First Visit
We understand that your first visit can be a little overwhelming, so to help you feel more comfortable, here are some frequently asked questions and answers!
Where is Water of Life located?
We are located at 12340 F.M. 1641 in Forney, Texas on the north hand side of the street just past Henderson Elementary School. There is ample parking available including some handicapped accessible spots at the front of the church on either side.
Where do I enter for services?
Enter the Narthex through the front doors and move forward toward the double doors into the Sanctuary. Just before the Sanctuary entrance, stop at our Welcome Table where you can pick up a worship bulletin. We also invite you to sign the Guest Book at the Welcome Table and pick up one of our gift bags. If you need assistance finding a seat in the Sanctuary, please ask one of our greeters or any of our members.
What time are services?
Our regular Sunday worship schedule is 8 AM (Traditional service) and 10:30 AM (Contemporary service).
What are worship services like?
Our worship services are both reverent and joyful. They are reverent because during the service, particularly at Holy Communion, we are meeting up with the Holy God. They are joyful because this Holy God has given His Son to forgive us so that we might be His children and worship Him. In the 8 AM traditional service, we follow the Divine Service liturgy in the Lutheran Service Book hymnal. The entire order of service is printed in the bulletin along with page references for easy reference. In the 11 AM contemporary service, along with the printed order of service, the entire service is also projected on the video screen. No matter which service you choose to attend, you are invited to participate with us or to simply listen. We do not expect you to give an offering. We're happy to have you with us!
Is there a dress code?
We believe God is more interested in your heart than what kind of clothes you wear. You will see some fellow worshippers dressed up, reflecting an understanding of God's majesty, and others in jeans or more casual attire. In any form, Christian modesty and appropriate attire is appreciated. We are glad you have chosen to worship at Water of Life!
What is available for children during worship?
Children are always welcome in our worship services! We believe even young children can begin to grasp the worship service and that they learn more quickly to sit still and participate when they are welcomed into the service. There is a special time during the service for a Children's Message where children are invited to come forward. Fun "busy bags" are available in the rear of the santuary to help the little ones through the harder-to-understand parts of the service. We know, however, that sitting through church is sometimes difficult, and we have a Nursery/Cry Room available when needed just outside the sanctuary doors. You will still be able to hear the service from this location.
What is Water of Life's policy on taking Holy Communion?
The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated at Water of Life each Sunday as commanded by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. We believe that as we eat and drink the bread wine that Christ's true body and blood are present. This is an invitation, not only from Christ, but also from this congregation, to all those who have been baptized in faith, repent of their sins, and who set aside any refusal to forgive and love just as Christ demonstrated to us through His death and resurrection. As Holy Communion is a confession of faith, taking it in an unworthy manner can cause great spiritual harm. For this reason, we ask that if you are not a communicant member of a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod ("LCMS") congregation, have not been instructed in an LCMS church, or have concerns or believe differently from the beliefs of this congregation, and yet wish to partake in Holy Communion, please speak with our Pastor or an Elder before the worship service. Communicant members of all LCMS congregations are invited to commune with us.
Are there Sunday School classes available?
We offer Sunday School classes for children Grades K-12 and Sunday Bible classes for all adults each Sunday morning at 9:15 AM. A list of the most current classes and their locations is posted in the Narthex. If you need help finding a classroom, just ask an usher or one of our friendly members. You can also click the links below for more information.
What else do I need to know?
Coffee, donuts, and fellowship are offered to everyone throughout the morning in the Narthex. The coffee and donuts are free, but you have the opportunity to leave a free will donation, if the Spirit moves you. To honor the Lord, and as a courtesy to all, we ask that you silence your cell phones while you're with us. Free wi-fi is available.